inotify_simple 1.3

Chris Billington, Jun 20, 2022

inotify_simple is a simple Python wrapper around inotify. No fancy bells and whistles, just a literal wrapper with ctypes. Only ~100 lines of code!

inotify_init1() is wrapped as a file-like object, INotify, holding the inotify file descriptor. read() reads available data from the file descriptor and returns events as Event namedtuples after unpacking them with the struct module. inotify_add_watch() and inotify_rm_watch() are wrapped with no changes at all, taking and returning watch descriptor integers that calling code is expected to keep track of itself, just as one would use inotify from C. Works with Python 2.7 and Python >= 3.2.

View on PyPI | Fork me on GitHub | Read the docs


to install inotify_simple, run:

$ pip3 install inotify_simple

or to install from source:

$ python3 install


If on Python < 3.4, you’ll need the backported enum34 module.


There are many inotify python wrappers out there. I found them all unsatisfactory. Most are far too high-level for my tastes, and the supposed convenience they provide actually limits one from using inotify in ways other than those the author imagined. Others are C extensions, requiring compilation for different platforms and Python versions, rather than a pure python module using ctypes. This one is pretty low-level and really just does what inotify itself does and nothing more. So hopefully if I’ve written it right, it will remain functional well into the future with no changes, recompilation or attention on my part.

Example usage

import os
from inotify_simple import INotify, flags


inotify = INotify()
watch_flags = flags.CREATE | flags.DELETE | flags.MODIFY | flags.DELETE_SELF
wd = inotify.add_watch('/tmp/inotify_test', watch_flags)

# Now create, delete and modify some files in the directory being monitored:
# CREATE event for a directory:
os.system('mkdir foo')
# CREATE event for a file:
os.system('echo hello > test.txt')
# MODIFY event for the file:
os.system('echo world >> test.txt')
# DELETE event for the file
os.system('rm test.txt')
# DELETE event for the directory
os.system('rmdir foo')
# DELETE_SELF on the original directory. # Also generates an IGNORED event
# indicating the watch was removed.
os.system('rmdir inotify_test')

# And see the corresponding events:
for event in
    for flag in flags.from_mask(event.mask):
        print('    ' + str(flag))
$ python
Event(wd=1, mask=1073742080, cookie=0, name='foo')
Event(wd=1, mask=256, cookie=0, name='test.txt')
Event(wd=1, mask=2, cookie=0, name='test.txt')
Event(wd=1, mask=512, cookie=0, name='test.txt')
Event(wd=1, mask=1073742336, cookie=0, name='foo')
Event(wd=1, mask=1024, cookie=0, name='')
Event(wd=1, mask=32768, cookie=0, name='')

Note that the flags, since they are defined with an enum.IntEnum, print as what they are called rather than their integer values. However they are still just integers and so can be bitwise-ANDed and ORed etc with masks etc. The from_mask() method bitwise-ANDs a mask with all possible flags and returns a list of matches. This is for convenience and useful for debugging which events are coming through, but performance critical code should generally bitwise-AND masks with flags of interest itself so as to not do unnecessary checks.

Module reference

class inotify_simple.INotify(inheritable=False, nonblocking=False)

Bases: _io.FileIO

File-like object wrapping inotify_init1(). Raises OSError on failure. close() should be called when no longer needed. Can be used as a context manager to ensure it is closed, and can be used directly by functions expecting a file-like object, such as select, or with functions expecting a file descriptor via fileno().

  • inheritable (bool) – whether the inotify file descriptor will be inherited by child processes. The default,``False``, corresponds to passing the IN_CLOEXEC flag to inotify_init1(). Setting this flag when opening filedescriptors is the default behaviour of Python standard library functions since PEP 446. On Python < 3.3, the file descriptor will be inheritable and this argument has no effect, one must instead use fcntl to set FD_CLOEXEC to make it non-inheritable.
  • nonblocking (bool) – whether to open the inotify file descriptor in nonblocking mode, corresponding to passing the IN_NONBLOCK flag to inotify_init1(). This does not affect the normal behaviour of read(), which uses poll() to control blocking behaviour according to the given timeout, but will cause other reads of the file descriptor (for example if the application reads data manually with to raise BlockingIOError if no data is available.

The inotify file descriptor returned by inotify_init(). You are free to use it directly with if you’d prefer not to call read() for some reason. Also available as fileno()

add_watch(path, mask)

Wrapper around inotify_add_watch(). Returns the watch descriptor or raises an OSError on failure.

  • path (str, bytes, or PathLike) – The path to watch. Will be encoded with os.fsencode() before being passed to inotify_add_watch().
  • mask (int) – The mask of events to watch for. Can be constructed by bitwise-ORing flags together.

watch descriptor

Return type:



Wrapper around inotify_rm_watch(). Raises OSError on failure.

Parameters:wd (int) – The watch descriptor to remove
read(timeout=None, read_delay=None)

Read the inotify file descriptor and return the resulting Event namedtuples (wd, mask, cookie, name).

  • timeout (int) – The time in milliseconds to wait for events if there are none. If negative or None, block until there are events. If zero, return immediately if there are no events to be read.
  • read_delay (int) – If there are no events immediately available for reading, then this is the time in milliseconds to wait after the first event arrives before reading the file descriptor. This allows further events to accumulate before reading, which allows the kernel to coalesce like events and can decrease the number of events the application needs to process. However, this also increases the risk that the event queue will overflow due to not being emptied fast enough.

generator producing Event namedtuples

Return type:



If the same inotify file descriptor is being read by multiple threads simultaneously, this method may attempt to read the file descriptor when no data is available. It may return zero events, or block until more events arrive (regardless of the requested timeout), or in the case that the INotify() object was instantiated with nonblocking=True, raise BlockingIOError.


Close the file.

A closed file cannot be used for further I/O operations. close() may be called more than once without error.


Return the underlying file descriptor (an integer).

class inotify_simple.Event(wd, mask, cookie, name)

Bases: tuple

A namedtuple (wd, mask, cookie, name) for an inotify event. On Python 3 the name field is a str decoded with os.fsdecode(), on Python 2 it is bytes.


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 0


Unpack data read from an inotify file descriptor into Event namedtuples (wd, mask, cookie, name). This function can be used if the application has read raw data from the inotify file descriptor rather than calling read().

Parameters:data (bytes) – A bytestring as read from an inotify file descriptor.
Returns:list of Event namedtuples
Return type:list
class inotify_simple.flags

Inotify flags as defined in inotify.h but with IN_ prefix omitted. Includes a convenience method from_mask() for extracting flags from a mask.


File was accessed


File was modified


Metadata changed


Writable file was closed


Unwritable file closed

OPEN = 32

File was opened


File was moved from X

MOVED_TO = 128

File was moved to Y

CREATE = 256

Subfile was created

DELETE = 512

Subfile was deleted


Self was deleted

MOVE_SELF = 2048

Self was moved

UNMOUNT = 8192

Backing fs was unmounted

Q_OVERFLOW = 16384

Event queue overflowed

IGNORED = 32768

File was ignored

ONLYDIR = 16777216

only watch the path if it is a directory

DONT_FOLLOW = 33554432

don’t follow a sym link

exclude events on unlinked objects

MASK_ADD = 536870912

add to the mask of an already existing watch

ISDIR = 1073741824

event occurred against dir

ONESHOT = 2147483648

only send event once

class inotify_simple.masks

Convenience masks as defined in inotify.h but with IN_ prefix omitted.

CLOSE = 24

helper event mask equal to flags.CLOSE_WRITE | flags.CLOSE_NOWRITE

MOVE = 192

helper event mask equal to flags.MOVED_FROM | flags.MOVED_TO


bitwise-OR of all the events that can be passed to add_watch()

Full source code

Presented here for ease of verifying that this wrapper is as sensible as it claims to be (comments stripped - see source on github to see comments).

from sys import version_info, getfilesystemencoding
import os
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from collections import namedtuple
from struct import unpack_from, calcsize
from select import poll
from time import sleep
from ctypes import CDLL, get_errno, c_int
from ctypes.util import find_library
from errno import EINTR
from termios import FIONREAD
from fcntl import ioctl
from io import FileIO

PY2 = version_info.major < 3
if PY2:
    fsencode = lambda s: s if isinstance(s, str) else s.encode(getfilesystemencoding())
    IntEnum = type('IntEnum', (long, Enum), {})
    from os import fsencode, fsdecode

__version__ = '1.3.5'

__all__ = ['Event', 'INotify', 'flags', 'masks', 'parse_events']

_libc = None

def _libc_call(function, *args):
    while True:
        rc = function(*args)
        if rc != -1:
            return rc
        errno = get_errno()
        if errno != EINTR:
            raise OSError(errno, os.strerror(errno))

Event = namedtuple('Event', ['wd', 'mask', 'cookie', 'name'])

_EVENT_SIZE = calcsize(_EVENT_FMT)

class INotify(FileIO):

    fd = property(FileIO.fileno)

    def __init__(self, inheritable=False, nonblocking=False):
            libc_so = find_library('c')
        except RuntimeError:
            libc_so = None
        global _libc; _libc = _libc or CDLL(libc_so or '', use_errno=True)
        O_CLOEXEC = getattr(os, 'O_CLOEXEC', 0)
        flags = (not inheritable) * O_CLOEXEC | bool(nonblocking) * os.O_NONBLOCK
        FileIO.__init__(self, _libc_call(_libc.inotify_init1, flags), mode='rb')
        self._poller = poll()

    def add_watch(self, path, mask):
        path = str(path) if hasattr(path, 'parts') else path
        return _libc_call(_libc.inotify_add_watch, self.fileno(), fsencode(path), mask)

    def rm_watch(self, wd):
        _libc_call(_libc.inotify_rm_watch, self.fileno(), wd)

    def read(self, timeout=None, read_delay=None):
        data = self._readall()
        if not data and timeout != 0 and self._poller.poll(timeout):
            if read_delay is not None:
                sleep(read_delay / 1000.0)
            data = self._readall()
        return parse_events(data)

    def _readall(self):
        bytes_avail = c_int()
        ioctl(self, FIONREAD, bytes_avail)
        if not bytes_avail.value:
            return b''
        return, bytes_avail.value)

def parse_events(data):
    pos = 0
    events = []
    while pos < len(data):
        wd, mask, cookie, namesize = unpack_from(_EVENT_FMT, data, pos)
        pos += _EVENT_SIZE + namesize
        name = data[pos - namesize : pos].split(b'\x00', 1)[0]
        events.append(Event(wd, mask, cookie, name if PY2 else fsdecode(name)))
    return events

class flags(IntEnum):
    ACCESS = 0x00000001
    MODIFY = 0x00000002
    ATTRIB = 0x00000004
    CLOSE_WRITE = 0x00000008
    CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x00000010
    OPEN = 0x00000020
    MOVED_FROM = 0x00000040
    MOVED_TO = 0x00000080
    CREATE = 0x00000100
    DELETE = 0x00000200
    DELETE_SELF = 0x00000400
    MOVE_SELF = 0x00000800

    UNMOUNT = 0x00002000
    Q_OVERFLOW = 0x00004000
    IGNORED = 0x00008000

    ONLYDIR = 0x01000000
    DONT_FOLLOW = 0x02000000
    EXCL_UNLINK = 0x04000000
    MASK_ADD = 0x20000000
    ISDIR = 0x40000000
    ONESHOT = 0x80000000

    def from_mask(cls, mask):
        return [flag for flag in cls.__members__.values() if flag & mask]

class masks(IntEnum):
    MOVE = flags.MOVED_FROM | flags.MOVED_TO

    ALL_EVENTS  = (flags.ACCESS | flags.MODIFY | flags.ATTRIB | flags.CLOSE_WRITE |
        flags.CLOSE_NOWRITE | flags.OPEN | flags.MOVED_FROM | flags.MOVED_TO |
        flags.CREATE | flags.DELETE| flags.DELETE_SELF | flags.MOVE_SELF)